API Reference

This API provides the current status of a previously submitted order.

Order Status Metrix:

CodeStatusSub StatusDescription
S1SUBMITTEDApprovedThe enrollment has been successfully submitted to the supplier but service has not started
S2SUBMITTEDApproved with Deposit NeededThe enrollment has been successfully submitted to the supplier but a deposit is needed to turn on service
S3SUBMITTEDApproved with Deposit Waiver NeededThe enrollment has been successfully submitted to the supplier but a deposit waiver is needed to turn on service
F3FAILEDDeclinedThe enrollment has been declined by the supplier
A1ACTIVEActiveElectricity service is actively being provided to the user
C1CLOSEDExpiredThe service term has expired
C2CLOSEDDeclinedThe enrollment has been declined by the supplier after the enrollment
C3CLOSEDCanceledThe enrollment has been canceled by the customer after the enrollment
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